Solution of quadratic equation and graph

Calculate the solution of the quadratic equation


as the root or fraction.
You can freely enter the coefficients a, b, and c for calculation.
Draw a graph of the quadratic function using the entered values. (following)
The graph can be enlarged, reduced, moved, and scaled to make it easier to get an image of the formula.

Download "Solution of quadratic equation and graph" on Google Play

Download "Solution of quadratic equation and graph" on Google Play


Enter the coefficients a, b, c and the answer will be output.

Solution of quadratic equation  and graph, Coefficient input


The graph is drawn.


You can change the grid spacing and the scale by entering the numbers.

Solution of quadratic equation  and graph, Input of grid and scale


The intersection with the x-axis of the graph (a straight line with y = 0) is the solution to the equation

館内施設イメージSolution of quadratic equation  and graph, When there are two solutions


When there is one solution, the graph intersects the x-axis at one place.

Solution of quadratic equation  and graph, When there is one solution